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Are you waiting for a reply from your insurance provider regarding your claim application? Or have you already received feedback through a denial letter? If you are currently receiving benefits and are worried about them being cut off, please rest assured it won’t stop without the company sending a notice. If your benefits gets cut before you are duly informed, you can approach a lawyer for help in appealing your case in court.

Denial Of Disability Letter

Every denial of disability is represented by a denial letter sent to every applicant. Inside the letter is a rationale that contains the reasons why the company thinks your application should be denied. Every case is different so each letter should have minor differences in their content. What you need to do is read the contents properly and make your own interpretation.

If for some reason you think the denial is not right, you can approach disability denial lawyers for help. They can give you a second interpretation of the letter. You might find another understanding of the statements. If you still think you have been denied wrongly, you can ask the lawyer for assistance in fighting disability denial.

Simple Disability Denial Appeal Process

Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to appeal a denied claim. Keep in mind that some states may require further steps within the following four. This is just a general summary of the basic processes.

  1. Gather all documents related to the denial.

When you make a complaint, you need to prove that you have the right to. Gather all the documents you have relating to your insurance claim including a copy of your insurance policy and the written correspondence between you and the insurance company. Of course, the denial letter is also important. Disability denials are all about your medical condition, so make sure you also have a copy of all medical records of all the medical institutions you’ve gone to. See to it that each of them can be proven valid and that all issuing parties can attest to their validity.

  1. Apply for a sick leave from your company.

Most disability insurance policies are given to individuals as part of their employment. Thus, it is company-paid. In line with this, it means that you need to stay employed by the company if you want to receive benefits. What you need to do here is apply for a sick leave since you are disabled and cannot work. After which, ask your human resource officer how to process your disability insurance request. If your company is kind enough to assist you on this, the better. If they ask you to do it alone, you can ask your lawyer for held with disability denial appeal.

  1. Find other disability assistance you can apply for.

It is always good to have a back-up plan in case your first option fails. Look for other funding possibly from the government or private entities for your disability. Figure out other mediums of income for your condition.

It is good to be very convincing when you approach funding institutions. Disability denial rates by province can be easily searched online if you are looking for statistics. Knowledge of this can help in your discussion and proving your point. Make sure you have a template ready in explaining your situation and why you think you deserve the assistance.

  1. Take inventory of your financial resources.

No matter the disability denial reasons, you will be left without income for some time. The disability denial appeal process will require funding for your records, documents and other expenses. You need as much money as you can get. Figure out how much money you have in your bank, the assets you can liquidate, and other financial resources you have.

This serves as a back-up plan in case your appeal fails the second time. The appeal processing will also allow you to do long-term financial preparations like investing your money in the bank for growth in the following years. Your lawyer can help with disability denial case, but only you can settle the resources you need.

  1. Cooperate with your lawyer.

Once you have all the resources and documents in check, you can then decide a game plan with your lawyer. Once the contract is settled, you can go through your documents and see which ones need further evidence to fill the gaps. You can get additional evidence and updated doctorís diagnosis. Once the plan is settled, you can then execute the plan.

It is very important to trust your attorney. If you have doubts right at the start, find another one before entering into a contract. Do not make hasty decisions and never rush. There are set deadlines for submissions so as long as you are on time, you can take a break to think things through properly. You need to fully cooperate with your lawyer in order for your efforts to be more successful.

Paul Wilkins

Personal Injury Lawyer at PW Lawyers
Paul is a member of the Ontario Trial Lawyer’s Association and the Advocates Society. Frequently involved in pursuing his clients’ claims, his areas of focus include statutory accident benefits, short term and long term disability benefits, disability claims and Canada Pension Plan disability benefits.

After my injury, I had no hope left. When Dana and Paul took on my case, they told me they would help me reach my goal to get money for the settlement. They took the time and had the patience to help me achieve my personal goals.

Dana had great suggestions for me. It was comforting to know what I should be prepared for, and how I should prepare. If I didn’t achieve goal 1, what would my second goal would be?

Plan A doesn’t always work. The team helped me to prepare myself to put 100% hope in the settlement, and for Plan B to be the best fallback.

I’m very satisfied with the money I got for the settlement – which was more than I expected with Paul’s support and hard work. The organization has great teamwork.

There are people that I have referred to Paul who are interested in legal matters, or accident disability, and some of them have already gotten their case going. In the future, for somebody that needs help, I would suggest them to go with PW Lawyers.

I was hoping that I could pay them back somehow. Perhaps this review is the best way.

Paul Wilkins

Personal Injury Lawyer at PW Lawyers
Paul is a member of the Ontario Trial Lawyer’s Association and the Advocates Society. Frequently involved in pursuing his clients’ claims, his areas of focus include statutory accident benefits, short term and long term disability benefits, disability claims and Canada Pension Plan disability benefits.

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